Hey everyone, it’s been a while but I’m back and have been nominated for the sunshine blogger award by the lovely Larayeeb Ali
(her post https://larayeebali.wixsite.com/larayeebali/single-post/2018/02/07/THE-SUNSHINE-BLOGGER-AWARD ) I’m so honored to be nominated considering I’ve only been blogging for 3 months!!!
I will answering 11 questions and nominating 11 people who will in turn, answer 11 questions of my choice.
1. What is your dream job?
I think I would want to be a YouTuber, it would be such a great experience and have wanted to do it since I was 12.
2. What do you think your life will be like in a year? And in ten years?
I honestly don’t know, but what I do know is whatever I’m doing is exactly what god wants me to be doing.
3. What is your proudest achievement?
I don’t really have one.
4. What is your favourite blog post you’ve ever written?
I think it’s got to be my two part modesty and piety post because they cover important topic and I know that a lot you you liked them too and that’s really encouraging
5. Apart from blogging, what are your hobbies?
Reading, definitely reading.
It feels so great to just get lost into a book and the magical world of fiction!!!
(I’ll definitely be posting a lot about books on my blog in the future).
6. How would you describe your fashion style?
Modest, everything I wears in below my knees, I mainly wear an abaya and a jumper.
7.What’s the best place you’ve ever been to?
I have only even been on holiday once and I don’t really remember that because i was like 4 years old, I haven’t really visited any where amazing to be honest.
8. If you had £1000 (or equivalent in your currency), what would you spend it on? Or would you save it?
I would save most of it but spend some on books and make up and definitely give some to charity!
9. What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done? What would you do if you were a little braver?
Honestly I’ve never really done anything out of the ordinary, but when i was 11 i held a snake, it was pretty weird because turns out i was holding it's bum and the guy told me not to move too much or else i will do it's business on me, gross, i know.
10. What is/was your favourite class at school, college or university?
My favourite class at college has got to be sociology, I love all the content and really enjoy going to the lessons.
11. What is one thing you want to learn or change in 2018?
I want to learn more about my religion, it would strengthen my Imaan and help me to become a better Muslim!
That’s my 11 questions answered, here are the questions for my nominees:
1. Apart from blogging, what do you love doing most?
2. What’s you favourite season?
3. Where do you see your blog in 5 years?
4. What is your dream job?
5. What is the best subject you have ever studied and is you want to what would you study in the future?
6. If you had £1000, what would you do with it?
7. If you could learn to play any instrument, what would it be and why?
8. What’s your favourite thing about blogging?
9. What is your favourite holiday memory?
10. Who inspires you?
11. What do you want to have achieved by the end of this year?
My nominees are:
Lena Dee - https://t.co/OxH9UxC0ux
Thoughts avalanche - https://t.co/fIxRXfR9HQ
Kiran Ali - https://kiranalix.com/
Dani dot yes - https://t.co/ubhsGR3DgS
Helens journey - https://t.co/lbvKwWwOT1
Jess cantoni - https://t.co/UB1sLIsYGz / jesscantoni.com
Perks of being hijabi sisters - https://perksofbeinghijabisisters.wordpress.com/home/
Typical - https://t.co/PS81WbzY7q
Step inside my handbag - http://stepinsidemyhandbag.com/
Travelling Wanderer - https://www.travellingwanderer.com/
Magdalena - https://t.co/qsqCKgzPGK
Thank you for reading this post and thanks once again for the nomination.
Make sure to subscribe if you haven’t already and follow me on my socials;
Instagram: www.instagram.com/asimplehijabi
Twitter: www.twitter.com/asimplehijabi
Talk to you guys soon,
From your SimpleHijabi X
Thanks so much for the nomination.
Congratulations on being nominated only 3 months into blogging - that it itself is an achievement to be proud of, alongside the messy snake of course ;-) (that story made me giggle lol)